Frequent task in AutoCAD drafting - add multiple leaders to annotation or block. Using regular Leader command is quite cumbersome. Let's use L2 or L3 commands (add plain leaders) from NYacadFREE program (watch video below).

Add plain leaders

Notice, the leaders are not attached to the block.

We can improve object (weld symbol with leaders) by attaching leaders to block using _qlattach command from Express Tools






Attach leaders to block


Still not good...Add leaders, then select leader-block, leader-block, one by one - too long.


OK...Maybe we can combine adding leader with attachment to block in one command?

- Why not? View the following video:



W2 and W3 commands: add attached leaders


W2 command adds 2 points leader attached to block automatically; W3 - 3 points and W4 -  4 points leader.

These commands are available in two applications:

VisualWeld and Acad Officer

Associated leaders can be added to ANY BLOCK in your drawing (not necessarily weld symbol) or as just plain leaders without annotation.

Alex Borodulin

NYacad, Inc.